Grey Feather Creations - P.O. Box 261 - Kiowa, KS 67070 | (620) 825-6173
Handcrafted Jewelry From the Heart
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About Grey Feather Creations

B969-fbWelcome to Grey Feather Creations!

To View Jewelry for Sale-Just click at the top of the page under ‘SHOP’

Welcome! I’m so glad you stopped by!

Grey Feather Creations was born from my desire to make art in jewelry form. It has been a lovely journey from the start. I have logged countless hours trying to perfect my art and I will spend countless more. It is a never ending journey of growth, knowledge and work. Many smashed fingers, blisters, and days of total frustration and doubt are forgotten when a piece comes together.

This website shows past and very recent pieces. I would not list them if I didn’t feel comfortable selling them to you. I create from the heart and get a lot of inspiration from nature. I don’t necessarily incorporate nature in my designs. The serenity of sitting on the patio or taking a walk in the natural world calms my soul and allows my mind to imagine and arrange thoughts for the next piece I am going to create.

During my childhood I collected rocks. You should see the collection I have now! I still collect them! These stones can be used in jewelry although I will never live long enough to use all of them. They come from all over the world and are cut, shaped and polished by lapidary artists.

My studio is a haven. Sometimes it is noisy with a hammer pounding silver or other metal and music blaring in the background. Other times it is so very serene with the quiet hiss of the torch and Native American flute music playing. I invite all who want to to visit. I love sharing my knowledge and I love showing my tools. All jewelry makers love their tools!

Enjoy browsing what I have to offer. All of the pieces are basically one-of-a-kind. I do not offer custom pieces.

Best wishes – Martha